Stefan Elbers

Promotor Prof. Dr. R.J.E.M. Smeets Co-promotoren Dr. H. Wittink Dr. J.J.M. Pool Beoordelingscommissie: Prof. Dr. J.A. Verbunt (chair) Dr. B.A. Brouwer Prof. Dr. G. Crombez (Ghent University, Belgium) Dr. B. Fullen (University College Dublin, Ireland) Prof. Dr. M.L. Peters This doctoral thesis was a collaboration between the Lifestyle & Health research group (Department for Healthy and Sustainable Living) at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and the department of Rehabilitation Medicine (Care and Public Health Research Institute CAPHRI) at Maastricht University. The work presented in this thesis was funded by two SIA RAAK projects (2014-01-23P and RAAK.PUB05.002) and supported by the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU).