Stefan Elbers

43 Evaluating IMPT programmes over time Intervention characteristics. The treatment aims of the included programmes often involved multiple objectives, such as increasing physical activity, return to work, or the acquisition of pain self-management skills. The median time span of the treatment duration was 5 weeks (range 1 - 15), with a mean intensity of 96.76 hours ( SD = 52.83). Twenty- two cohorts (29.73%) included, at least partly, inpatient treatment programmes and 2 cohorts (2.7%) solely provided treatments to individuals, whereas the other cohorts at least partially provided treatment to groups. The majority of interdisciplinary treatment was provided in secondary or tertiary care settings, such as hospitals or rehabilitation centers, with a community center (1 cohort), hotel (1 cohort) and a primary care setting (3 cohorts) as exceptions. Exercise (93%), education (89%), relaxation (80%), self-management skills (73%), and (cognitive) behavioural treatment (69.%) were included in the majority of the treatment programmes, whereas body awareness (26%), graded activity (14%), workplace advice (16%), pharmacological treatment (15%), and team meetings that included the patient (11%) were less frequently reported. The median number of these specific treatment modalities was 5 (range = 2 - 8) per cohort. Many cohorts also included modalities that were categorized as 'other', such as assertiveness training, spinal mobilizations, group discussions, and assistance with withdrawal from pain medication. The median number of involved healthcare professionals was 4 (range = 3 – 7), with physical therapists (97%), psychologists (93%), physicians (85%), occupational therapists (53%), nurses (34%) and social workers (32%) as respective frequencies. Other involved healthcare providers (described in 57% of the cohorts) included nutritionists, massage therapists and Qigong instructors. Follow-up treatment sessions were described in 22 (41%) of the cohorts and mainly consisted of group refresher meetings or follow-up phone calls. Four cohorts included an extensive follow-up module where parts of the treatment programme were continued for a prolonged period (Monticone et al., 2016; Monticone et al., 2013; Tavafian et al., 2011; Westman et al., 2006). In total, 81% of the included studies provided low tailoring, 11% medium tailoring and 8% high tailoring. Table 2 depicts a general overview of the intervention characteristics, but the full table is displayed in the multimedia appendix.