Stefan Elbers

48 Chapter 2 Table 2. Continued. Cohort Treatment modalities Healthcare providers Type of contact (group size) Time span (wks) Duration (hours) Level of tailoring follow up? phy psy pt ot nur swo Vowles (2011) ed, ex, bt, re, sm, ba X X X X X - group (NA) 3.5 114 low no Wagner (2011) ed, ex, bt, re, sm X X X X X - mixed (NA) 6 123 high no Westman (2006) ed, ex, bt, re, ba, oth X X X - - - group (8-10) 8 140 low yes Zhuk (2018) ed, ex, bt, re, sm, ba, oth X X X - X - group (NA) 3 NA low no Notes: abbreviations: phy = physician; psy = psychologist; pt = physiotherapist; ot = occupational therapist; nur = nurse; swo = social worker; ed = education; ex = exercise; re = relaxation; bt = (cognitive) behavioral therapy; ga = graded activity; ph = pharmacological therapy; wo = workplace advice; te = team meetings; sm = self-management skills; ba = body awareness therapy; oth = other type of treatment modality.