Stefan Elbers

52 Chapter 2 Table 3. Continued Outcome Pre - post Post - final follow-up Pre - post- final follow-up Pre- final follow-up N 1 Direction of effect 3 N 1 Mdn ES (range) Q test / I 2 N 1 Mdn ES (range) Q test / I 2 N 1 Pattern over time 2 N 1 Mdn ES (range) Q test / I 2 SF 5 0.38 (-0.08 to 2.37) SF36srf 2 : 6.39 Q (df =4 ) = 126.9*** I 2 = 98% 5 0.15 (-0.27 to 0.42) Q (df =4 ) = 17.6** I 2 = 77% 1 8 0.71 (0.02 to 2.39) Q (df = 7) = 129.47*** I 2 = 97% 6 2 + +/- 1 1 1 1 PAIN 35 0.63 (-0.08 to 4.39) VAS 2 : 14.34 Q (df = 34) = 841.28*** I 2 = 99% 35 0.05 (-1.39 to 1.09) Q (df = 34 ) = 744.40*** I 2 = 96% 10 52 0.47 (-0.31 to 4.96) Q (df = 51) = 1448.01*** I 2 = 98% 34 15 3 + +/- - 13 5 5 2 Notes: * = P > .05; ** = P > .01; *** = p > .001. 1: N represents the number of cohorts; 2: The re-expression of the median pre-post effect size on a familiar instrument was obtained by multiplying the effect size by the weighted standard deviation of all post-intervention scores from that instrument. 3: The pattern reflects the development of an outcome over three time points (pre, post final follow-up). An upward slope between two points indicates a statistically significant favorable effect (i.e.. the lower limit of the 95% CI of the ES > 0); A straight line represents no effect (i.e.. the lower limit of the 95%CI of the ES < 0 and the upper limit > 0); a downward slope represents a statistically significant unfavorable effect (i.e.. the upper limit of the 95% CI of the ES < 0). 4: Direction of effect: + represents a statistically significant effect from pre to final follow-up; +/- represents no effect; - represents a statistically significant unfavorable effect from pre to final follow-up. 4: no range, only one study included. abbreviations: PI = Pain interference; PF = Physical functioning; DEP = depression; ANX = anxiety; EF = emotional functioning; ANG = anger; SE = self-efficacy; SF = social functioning; PAIN = pain intensity; df = degrees of freedom; ES = effect size; Mdn = median; RMDQ: Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire; FFbH: Funktionsfragebogen Hannover; BDI: Beck Depression Inventory; HADS-A: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, subscale Anxiety; SF-36 MH: Short Form 36, subscale mental health; SCL-90h: Symptom Checklist 90, subscale hostility; PSEQ: Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire; SF-36: SF: Short Form 36, subscale social functioning.