Stefan Elbers

75 Living systematic reviews in rehabilitation science Dissemination In addition to journal articles, LSR results are often disseminated through online applications (e.g. Matl et al., 2017; Probst et al., 2019). These digital platforms include all extracted data as well as interactive functions to visualize or summarize (a subset of) the data that is specifically relevant to the end-user (Boutron et al., 2020; Matl et al., 2017; Probst et al., 2019). Consequently, these interactive functions provide the opportunity to supply information to various stakeholders, including researchers, clinicians, policy makers and patients. To disseminate the results an in interactive way, we developed an R Shiny application that provides relevant and most up to date information of this review project (Elbers, 2020). The online platform contains key tables, time series and forest plots. To optimize transparency, the raw data extraction forms and risk of bias assessments are also made available. Using functionalities of Shiny software, all plots and figures include interactive functions, including tables with search, filter and sort functions, forest plots with adjustable corrections for within-subject correlations and time series, with cohort selection and export functions. These functions help users to navigate to the available data, to explore differences and similarities between cohorts and to perform sensitivity analyses. The source code is available through GitHub, which also registers the amendments that will be made over time (Elbers, 2021). CONCLUSIONS Innovations in (semi-)assisted tools for conducting a systematic review have streamlined the overall process and have substantially reduced the efforts to update results over time. LSRs provide a method to adopt these new methods to speed up progress and to improve procedures over time, while simultaneously uphold the scientific rigor of systematic reviews. Consequently, these up-to-date overviews, communicated through peer reviewed articles and online applications, provide the opportunity to increase the dissemination and implementation of scientific findings into clinical practice.