Stefan Elbers

89 Self-management for patients with chronic pain ‘Problem-solving’, ‘instruction on how to perform the behaviour’ and ‘information about health consequences (education)’ were present in 80–90%of the interventions. Supplement 2 provides a full overview of the BCT profiles per study. Studies identified through database screening: Central: 1643 Embase: 2316 PsycInfo: 2466 PubMed: 2466 Total: 7669 Forward citation tracking: 142 Backward citation tracking: 22 Grey Literature: 1 Total: 165 Records after duplicates removed (n = 6218) Records screened (n = 6218) Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 102) Studies included in synthesis (n = 20) Records excluded after screening (n = 6116) Full-text articles excluded (n = 82) Study design: n=19 Patient: n=27 Intervention: n=28 Comparison: n=1 Exclusion criteria: n=4 Duplicate: n=1 Figure 1. Flowchart of the Literature Search and Study Selection. Notes: n is the number of randomized controlled trials. FCT, forward citation tracking; BCT, backward citation tracking; Grey Lit, grey literature.