Stefan Elbers

90 Chapter 4 Table 1. Characteristics of Participants Within the Included Studies Study ( N ) Age M ( SD ) % Female Country Pain duration M ( SD ) Diagnosis group Andersen (2015) 141 45.23 (10.49) 55.71 Denmark NR Back pain or upper body pain Arvidson (2013) 202 55.48 (12.05) 73 Sweden NR Rheumatic diseases Asenlof (2005) 122 42,56 77.3 Sweden Mdn = 2.3 a Musculoskeletal pain Burckhardt (1994) 99 46.5 (8.3) 100 Sweden 7.5 (5.5) Fibromyalgia syndrome Dworkin (2002) 124 37.7 (30.61) 84.68 United States NR Temporo-mandibular disorders Ersek (2008) 256 81.85 (6.48) 84.75 United States NR Chronic pain (> 3 months) Grønning (2012) 141 58 (11) 69 Norway 12(13) Polyarthritis Haas (2005) 120 77.2 (7.7) 84.4 United States NR Low back pain Hutting (2015) 123 46.24 (10.89) 75.9 Netherlands NR chronic non-specific CANS King (2002) 196 46.07 (9.05) 100 Canada 9.33 (9.22) Fibromyalgia syndrome Knittle (2015) 78 62.75 (11.79) 66.69 Netherlands NR Rheumatoid arthritis Lefort (1998) 110 39.48 (25-60) b 75 Canada 6.07 (1 – 28) b Non-malignant chronic pain (> 3-6 months) Linton (1997) 103 50.73 (9.71) 73.68 Sweden NR Musculoskeletal pain Manning (2014) 108 55.07 (15.55) 75.93 United Kingdom 20 (18.52) Rheumatoid arthritis Moore (2000) 226 49.5 (10.6) 54 United States NR Back pain Nicholas (2013) 141 73.9 (6.5) 63 Australia 14.83 (17.3) Chronic pain (> 6 months) Stuifbergen (2010) 234 53.09 (9.86) 100 United States NR Fibromyalgia syndrome Taal (1993) 75 44.94 (24 – 64) b 73.68 Netherlands 4.3 (1 - 29) b Rheumatoid Arthritis Taylor (2016) 703 59.78 (13.67) 67 United Kingdom NR Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Von Korff (1998) 255 49.8 (11.3) 62.37 United States NR Back Pain Notes: a = median ; b = range. NR = not reported.