Diederik Hentenaar

133 Influence of the cervical crown contour in the present study. Two implant brands (Biomet 3i & Astra Tech) and three implant lengths (6 mm, 8.5 mm & 11 mm) were evaluated. All implants were placed at equicrestal level and restored with porcelain crowns cemented on customized titanium abutments. See Table 1 for patient and implant characteristics. Table 1. Patient and implant characteristics N Total N (%) Total implants/patients Gender, n(%) Female 67/64 38 100%/100% 56.7% Male 29 43.3% Implant region, n(%) Premolar 16 23.9% Molar 51 76.1% Jaw, n(%) Mandible 25 37.3% Maxilla 42 62.7% Implant positioning, n(%) Interdental 53 79.1% Non-interdental 14 20.9% Implant type/surface, n(%) Implant/abutment connection, n (%) Astra ‘Osseospeed TX 4.0 S’ 37 55.2% Biomet 3i ‘Full Osseotite XP Certain’ Connical seal design connection Quick seat connection 30 30 37 44.7% 44.7% 55.2% Implant length, n(%) Diameter of implant, n(%) Abutment fabrication, n (%) 11 mm 8.5 mm 6 mm 4.0 mm 10 33 24 55 14.9% 49.3% 35.8% 82.1% 5.0 mm Customized Stock 12 67 0 17.9% 100% 0% Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability The correlation coefficients for the inter-observer and intra-observer agreement (Cronbach’s a) on emergence angle calculation were a = 0.975 and a = 0.981, respectively. Both outcomes can be interpreted as an almost perfect agreement (27). Emergence crown angle Mean crown angles ranged from 0.5 degrees to 18 degrees at the mesial aspect of the implant crown and from 2.8 degrees to 18.7 degrees at the distal aspect, with the largest angles at 2 mm and 3 mm height. Crown angles increased with increasing 6