Diederik Hentenaar

38 Chapter 2 Regarding the clinical parameters, no significant change in mean peri-implant BoP, PPD and PI was seen in peri-implantitis patients after treatment (Table 4). However, a significant reduction in mean periodontal full mouth plaque scores (%) was observed (17.3 (±22.0) versus 6.6 (±9.9) ( p = .021)). Table 4. Mean (SD) clinical peri-implant parameters in the healthy implant group (HI), peri-implantitis group at baseline (PI T0) and peri-implantitis group 3 months after non-surgical treatment (PI T3). Clinical parameters [mean ±SD] Healthy PI T0 p value (healthy vs PI T0) PI T3 p value (PI T0 vs PI T3) PPD (mm) 1.9 (±0.6) 5.0 (±1.1) <.001 4.7 (±1.3) 0.140 BoP (%) 3.4 (±7.0) 58.4 (±27.8) <.001 47.5 (±32.5) 0.108 SoP (%) 0.0 (±0.0) 19.2 (±23.7) <.001 20.8 (±28.0) 0.944 Pl (%) 0.0 (±0.0) 15.0 (±23.4) 0.002 8.4 (±16.7) 0.256 Full mouth PPD (mm) NA 1.48 (±1.01) NA 1.42 (±1.08) 0.844 Full mouth BoP (%) NA 9.7 (1±4.4) NA 7.2 (±8.2) 0.875 Full mouth SoP (%) NA 0.0 (±0.0) NA 0.0 (±0.0) 1.000 Full mouth PI (%) NA 17.3 (±22.0) NA 6.6 (±9.9) 0.021 MBL (mm) 0.56 (±0.5) 4.17 (±1.75) <.001 4.24 (±1.84) 0.737 mean PICF volume (μl) 0.14 (±0.11) 0.42 (±0.25) <.001 0.39 ± (0.28) 0.588 Mean Periotron value 52.93 (±24.05) 101.3 (±34.88) <.001 96.2 (±33.3) 0.467 PPD, probing pocket depth; BoP, bleeding on probing; SoP, suppuration on probing; PI, Plaque index; MBL, marginal bone loss; PICF, peri-implant crevicular fluid; NA, not applicable Biomarker levels in healthy versus diseased Significant higher median levels of classical pro-inflammatory enzyme IL-1β (390.5 [87.0;555.5 pg/ml per 30 seconds] versus 783.5 [414.0;2607.3 pg/ml per 30 seconds]) and extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation enzyme MMP-8 (20590.2 [13512.4;26929.4] pg/ml per 30 seconds versus 34829.5 [24145.0;41791.5]) pg/ml per 30 seconds ( p = .007; p < .001, respectively) were found in the PICF of peri-implantitis implants compared to healthy implants (Table 3a). Pro-inflammatory levels of TNF-α and IL-6, anti-inflammatory levels of G-CSF, chemokine levels of MIP-1α/CCL3 and MCP-1 and bone remodelling levels of OPG showed comparable amounts in the PICF of healthy and diseased implants ( p = .402, p = .680, p = .109, p = .829, respectively). Levels of sRANKL and INF-γ were under the limit of detection (levels under 7.40 pg/mL for sRANKL and under 14.40 pg/mL for INF-γ).