Anne van Dalen

4 Analyzing and discussing human factors affecting surgical patient safety I 135 cases, and with so many different teammembers proved to be a challenge. 28 In the future it may be recommended to invite staff working in the OR to participate in about 1 to 3 team debriefings per year to continue evaluating safety behavior and culture. In the successor project this issue ought to be evaluated and how to sustainably implement this quality and safety improvement initiative. Conclusion Relevant surgical safety threats identified using the human factors model, were most often originating from the interaction between teammembers. Postoperative structured multidisciplinary debriefings using innovative technology such as an MDR, may help facilitate better teamwork, situational awareness and communication. To create an even safer operating culture, educational and quality improvement initiatives should aim at training the entire operating team, and consequently creating a shared mental model regarding preventing patient safety threats.