Anne van Dalen

142 I Chapter 4 APPENDIX SEIPS SYSTEMS-BASED CLASSIFICATION SCHEME FOR SAFETY THREATS AND RESILIENCE SUPPORTS IN LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY FRAMEWORK AND THEIR OBSERVED FREQUENCY SAFETY THREATS PERSON Sub-category Code Description Unsafe Acts Active attention failure Clinical team member is not actively listening/paying attention/ observing aspects of surgical case when they should be Memory error Error/mistake due to forgetting information/steps, unintentional omission of necessary steps, or inaccurate recall Perception/ comprehension error Perception/comprehension errors, or errors arising from impaired ability to accurately perceive/ comprehend current system state Substandard skill/ technique error Suboptimal/non-standardized technique, approach to task execution is atypical/diverges from the standardized/optimal method; errors related to inadequate skill/experience Protocol violation Clinician knowingly violates standard protocol/safe operating procedure or failstotake necessaryprecautions/steps(Ex. Participationofobserverin OR processes, prioritizing personal tasks)