Anne van Dalen

144 I Chapter 4 Communication Failures Communication unclear Communication between healthcare professionals is not delivered clearly/adequately/ effectively, not communicating with teammate directly, etc. Communication absent Complete absence of team communication when communication is critical, leading to confusion/disrupted workflow Communication delay Delay in essential communication (Ex. Surgical team fails to communicate care plan changes to other team members in timely manner) TASKS Sub-category Code Description Suboptimal Task Demands/ Workload Bad ergonomics Task is physically demanding (Ex. Strenuous, heavy, poor ergonomics associated with task, bad angles) Cognitively demanding Characteristics/complexity/ difficulty of task which have the potential to increase the cognitive workload of the clinician Time pressure Time pressure associated with task Overwhelming workload High workload experienced due to high number of required tasks, not enough colleagues, unanticipated additional responsibilities etc. Unstimulating task Clinicians express boredom with task at hand/lack of mental stimulation