Anne van Dalen

148 I Chapter 4 Unintuitive The expected/proper usage of the equipment is not made clear by its design Inefficient Equipment/tool design does not support efficient workflow/use Suboptimal ergonomics Device in use is not universally ergonomic (Ex. design is biased for ease of use by wither men or women) Substandard packaging/labels Design of tool/equipment packaging that contributes to drops/delays/issues during acquisition/opening, labelling (Ex. Relevant/important/useful information is missing from labels on tools) Inadequate Availability Item unavailable Clinical team is unable to access/ acquire required instrumentation for the present procedure Item missing Required item is not available in OR when need for it arises (Ex. nurse must leave room to get other scope) Setup/assembly issue Required tool was not ready for use when the need for it arose due to improper setup/not plugged in etc. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Sub-category Code Description Suboptimal Workspace Setup Unergonomic configuration Configuration of equipment is not optimized physically for ease of use/risk of ergonomic injury (Ex. Forces awkward positioning)