Anne van Dalen

152 I Chapter 4 RESILIENCE SUPPORT PERSON Sub-category Code Description Effective Guidance/ Instruction Advising caution Surgical team lead guides colleagues on when to proceed cautiously to ensure safe task execution Sharing knowledge Care providers sharing relevant knowledge with one another to establish a better understanding of theprocedure/task Skills coaching Teaching/training/coaching on safe/effective surgical skill or technique Teaching tool safety Guidance regarding the safe operation of tools that have the potential to cause harm if used incorrectly Advantageous Clinician Condition Experience Clinicians have sufficient experience with required tasks to complete them correctly/ efficiently + compensate for suboptimal conditions Adaptability Clinician/team exhibit adaptability in the presence of dynamic/unpredictable/unideal system conditions Good situation awareness Clinician perceives, comprehends, acknowledges and subsequently reacts to unusual circumstances/ changes/deviations during procedure Calm control Clinician demonstrates calm, controlled response to unexpected event (ex. Unexpectedbleeding), maintainscommunicationand taskperformance