Anne van Dalen

4 Analyzing and discussing human factors affecting surgical patient safety I 157 Forced functions Design-imposed constraints or forced functions (reducing risk of misuse) Effective Functionality Tool maintained Maintenance of the tool throughout the case keeps it in optimal working condition Informative features Surgical instrumentation/tool possesses feature that conveys important information to user (ex. Blinking lights when proper setup achieved, tactile feedback) Audible alarm Critical surgical equipment produces an audible alarm to alert the clinical team when a related error/failure/ complication occurs PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Sub-category Code Description Optimal Workspace Design Spacious Configuration of OR equipment creates spacious pathways/ample space for clinician movement Workspace standardization Design of the workspace area is standardized so as to facilitate efficiency/effectiveworkflow (Ex. Standardized storage for intraoperative consumables) Optimal Workspace Setup Layout optimized Layout of the OR is optimized as needed; ability to move equipment around in physical space; supports efficient workflow Efficient positioning Positioning of people/patient supports efficient workflow Optimal Ambient Conditions Optimal lighting Lighting in OR is appropriate for present surgical tasks