Anne van Dalen

190 I Chapter 7 online tool LimeSurvey® was used, according to the recommendations of the hospital’s privacy officer. After about 4 weeks, one reminder was digitally sent. Because of the GDPR and guidelines of the privacy officer, it was not possible to use a direct approach as a reminder strategy. Data was anonymously collected and stored by the study coordinator (AvD). Statistical Analysis The questions of the validated Dutch survey were transformed into the 11 predefined patient safety dimensions. 10,16 Each safety dimension is composed by the sum of the means of the questions belonging to that particular safety dimension. 10 Descriptive analysis was used to provide an overview of the baseline characteristics, such as years working at the hospital, role in the OR and amount of hours working per week. The overall means, including the standard deviation (SD), of the 11 safety dimensions were presented. These were compared between the professions with the one-way analysis of variance test to identify whether there was a difference between the different OR team members. The positive response rate (PRR) was determined for each safety dimension, according to the recommendations of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) user guide. 17 The PRR represents the number of persons (i.e. percentage) who answered the question with a mean of 3.5 or higher, on the 5-point Likert scale. The PRR thus indicates the percentage of respondents who have a positive attitude towards patient safety. The PRR for each dimension is the mean value of the PRRs for all dimension items. If the PRR is over 75%, the dimension is considered “highly positive.” 18 Descriptive analysis was used to provide an overview of the answers related to the use of the ORBB. Linear regression was used for selecting relevant variables, with a threshold P-value of 0.20, to build the multiple linear regression model. The multiple linear regression model was built with backward elimination to evaluate possible factors associated with the overall perception of patient safety.