Anne van Dalen

A review on the current applications of artificial intelligence in the operating room I 221 8 Critical Appraisal Only the 2 included review studies by Padoy 17 and Kassahun et al., 27 were critically appraised. As a consequence of inhomogeneity in study design, the additional seven included studies did not contain a sufficient amount of checklist characteristics and were therefore not suitable for critical appraisal. Although both review studies scored negatively on many criteria, indicating that the quality of the studies should be considered relatively low, these studies were not of a regular review design either and were therefore difficult to classify. Applications of AI The included articles respectively researched one or multiple applications of AI in surgery. Table 2 shows an overview of the different studies, their researched application(s), and the specific AI subfield(s) the application is based on. Additionally, Table 2 specifies the data type/source that was used by the AI application. Table 2. Overview of included studies with specific AI application(s).