Anne van Dalen

About the Author I 319 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anne S.H.M. van Dalen was born on December 31, 1989 in Zwolle, the Netherlands. She grew up in the south of Limburg, and obtained her gymnasium diploma at the Sint Maartens College in Maastricht. Hereafter, she travelled to Nicaragua and Guatemala to improve her Spanish skills and do volunteer work in a local hospital. In 2009, she moved to Amsterdam to start her bachelor in Medicine at the University of Amsterdam. In Amsterdam, she fully enjoyed being a student and building a new life with many new friends. After finishing her Bachelor degree, she decided she wanted to write her master thesis abroad and got in contact with prof. dr. Kiran, a surgeon at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, the United States of America. Under his supervision, she finished her master thesis about the differences between laparoscopic versus open surgery for colorectal cancer patients. She also ran the New York marathon for the Dutch Cancer Society ( KWF ). After finishing her first year of clinical rotations, she was given the unique opportunity to start this PhD project under supervision of prof. dr. Schijven, prof. dr. Bemelman, and prof. dr. Grantcharov. From June 2016 until December 2018 she was a fulltime PhD-student, during which was fortunate to present the results of this thesis at several international conferences. In January 2019, she continued her clinical rotations as part of her Master degree. During the last year of her clinical rotations, she was able to do an internship at the department of anaesthesiology (Amsterdam UMC, location AMC) and the department of surgery (OLVG hospital, location east). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she also worked as a nursing assistant at the Intensive Care Unit of the OLVG hospital, location east. In July 2020, she finished her Master degree after which she started working as a general resident at the Intensive Care unit of the Flevo hospital in Almere. After about a year, she started working as a general anesthesiology resident (not in training) at the Jeroen Bosch hospital in Den Bosch. In the summer of 2022 she will start her anaesthesiology training at the LUMC in Leiden.