Anne van Dalen

1 Legal perspectives on black box recording devices in the operating environment I 45 or degrading comments, usually goes unreported and is considered part of the job. 99–101 Team members may feel powerless to address certain behaviour while it is occurring. 96,102 The ultimate impact of these issues is poor teamwork and an increased risk of adverse perioperative events. 94,99,103–105 Being able to look back on shared performance in a safe, neutral and moderated setting may help all team members get a clearer perspective on the situation. Indeed, it may help healthcare institutions in the further development of a framework for dealing with disruptive behaviour. This would ensure a productive, healthy and safe working environment, which is focused on education and rehabilitation rather than punishment. 106 Systematic postoperative team debriefing using a MDR, led by an independent facilitator, may help in objective assessment of issues that have traditionally been ignored, creating an unique opportunity to discuss appropriate solutions with the entire operating team safely and respectfully.