Anne van Dalen

58 I Chapter 2 METHODS This educational study aimed to develop a new model for postoperative video-assisted team debriefing. The problem with the currently available debrief models was identified by a literature search. The local needs were assessed. 15,16,17 The constructed debrief model is consequently based on evidence-based best practices derived from the literature review, combined with local needs, experiences, and observations. 15 This is outlined in a flowchart (Figure 1). Setting The OR Black Box, a video andMDR, was implemented in one OR at our tertiary referral university medical center to use it as a data-driven quality improvement initiative for multidisciplinary debriefing. 18,19 Figure 1. Flowchart illustrating the development process of the Amsterdam Black Box debrief model. SEIPS; Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety.