Anne van Dalen

64 I Chapter 2 accentuates on the psychological aspects of experiencing the particular traumatic event. Hence this model was considered not to be fit to use for (video-assisted) debriefing of operating teams. The American Heart Association developed the quite similar Structured and Supported Debriefing GAS model, which stands for gather, analyze, and summarize. 65 The gather phase focuses on the perspectives of the team members, in the analyze phase the team examines the actions (“what went well, what did not?”), and in the summarize phase the team focuses on what should be done differently in the future. Table 2 presents a complete overview of the identified debrief models. Evaluation of the describedmethods for video-assisted teamdebriefing in the current literature Studies describingmethods to debrief with the use of video recording were sparse. The use of a video or MDR in the OR facilitates in audiovisual and data capture that may be used for VAD. 3,18 An MDR in the OR is, however, still quite a new technological innovation, especially when used for video-assisted structured team debriefing of actual surgical procedures. 19,66 Yet, VAD is an increasingly used component of debriefing in simulation and resuscitation settings and might be a solution for providing objective perceptions of Table 2. Overview of the most often described debrief models.