Anne van Dalen

3 Implementing structured team debriefing using a Black Box in the operating room I 89 are blurred, voices were altered and patient data were removed). The original OR Black Box® data were analysed within 48h and the resulting outcome report was securely sent back to the project coordinators (AvD and MS), to be used for the debriefings only. Team debriefing The procedures were debriefed in a standardized way with the help of a, by the authors (AvD and MvH), developed debrief model to be used with the OR Black Box® output. The debriefing methods are presented in another study and were based on insights derived from literature review. 27–29 Represented in the model are the following categories: environment, organization, situational awareness and communication & teamwork. The debriefing sessions were done in Dutch. The debriefings were led by an “independent moderator” (a professor of psychiatry) to structure the debriefing process optimally, by guiding the process and providing feedback as neutral as possible whilst maintain a trustful relationship within the team. 28, 29 Figure 2. Example of the OR Black Box® performance report, including video clip, used in the postoperative team debriefngs