Anne van Dalen

3 Implementing structured team debriefing using a Black Box in the operating room I 95 13. Was this debriefing educational? 8.2 (SD 1.4) 0.846 - - 14A. In case you learned something from this debriefing, to what extent do you expect it to be applicable in future surgical procedures? 8.7 (SD 5.7) 0.573 - - 14B. In case you learned something from this debriefing, how motivated are you to practice in future surgical procedures? 9.96 (SD 9.7) - 0.383 - 15. Did you find this debriefing to be useful? 8.1 (SD 1.5) 0.791 - - 16. How well did this debriefing meet your expectations? 8.0 (SD 1.3) 0.743 - - 17. Did you find the time you spent on attending this debriefing well spent? 8.2 (SD 1.3) 0.706 - - 18. What is the ideal length of a team debriefing according to you? (minutes) 30.6 (SD 11.9) - - - 19A. Of how much value would it be for you, to be able to choose which moments are being debriefed with the help of the anonymous video clips yourself? 7.5 (SD 1.9) - - - 19B. Of how much value would it be for you to be able to get access to the performance report and/or anonymous video clips personally, after the Black Box procedure? 7.8 (SD 1.5) - 0.655 - 20. How valuable did you find the anonymous video clips as part of the performance report? 8.4 (SD 1.1) - 0.661 -0.318 21. Do you find that, if available, it should be possible to use the OR Black Box® when the operating team wants to debrief a particular surgical procedure? (yes, no) 148 (98.7%, N=150) - - - 22. Would you recommend participating in a OR Black Box® team debriefing to your colleagues? (yes, n) 148 (98.0%, N=151) - - - 23. Did you miss something in the performance report? (yes, no) 25 (16.6%, N=151) - - - 24. Did you miss something in de briefing/method of debriefing with the performance report (including video clip)? (yes, no) 27 (17.9%, N=151) - - -