Anne van Dalen

General Introduction 12
Chapter 1 Legal perspectives on black box recording devices in the operating environment 34
Chapter 2 Development of a model for video-assisted postoperative team debriefing 56
Chapter 3 Implementing structured team debriefing using a Black Box in the operating room: surveying team satisfaction 84
Chapter 4 Analyzing and discussing human factors affecting surgical patient safety using innovative technology: creating a safer operating culture 118
Chapter 5 Assessing the team’s perception on human factors in the operating room environment 164
Chapter 6 Improving communication in the operating room: introducing the theatre cap challenge 172
Chapter 7 Surveying operating room staff attitudes: is working in a Black Box monitored operating room of influence on perceived surgical safety? 186
Chapter 8 A review on the current applications of artificial intelligence in surgery 216
Chapter 9 Six Sigma in surgery: how to create a safer culture in the operating room 238
Summary 250
General Discussion 262
Key points of this thesis 271
Nederlandse samenvatting 282
List of Authors 296
List of Publications 298
PhD Portfolio 302
Dankwoord 308
About the author 319
List of Sponsors 321