Lorynn Teela

102 Chapter 4 Design and procedure From February 2018 until August 2019, online evaluation questionnaires were sent out one week prior to each evaluation meeting. Reminder e-mails were sent to clinicians who had not completed the questionnaire one day before the meeting. The answers of the clinicians on the questionnaire on a team level provided a starting point for the evaluation meeting. Clinicians who had not completed the questionnaire prior to this meeting were asked to do so afterwards. This study has been approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (Amsterdam UMC). Participants Two hundred and forty-three team members (independent of their presence during the evaluation meeting) of 36 multidisciplinary teams in 14 hospitals that use KLIK were approached to participate in this study prior to a KLIK evaluation meeting. Multidisciplinary teams who use the KLIK PROM portal only for scientific purposes (6 multidisciplinary teams), where the implementation process started less than a year ago (N=14) or teams that did not respond (N=14) were not eligible. Supplement 1 provides an overview of the inclusion process. Measure An evaluation questionnaire (Supplement 2) was developed to obtain the opinion of clinicians about the use of KLIK in daily clinical practice. The evaluation questionnaire was composed by four researchers of the KLIK expert team and reviewed by three nurses and one pediatrician. The questionnaire consisted of 20 closed questions (response options: three- and five-point Likert Scales, Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and check boxes) and four mandatory open questions ((a) advantages and (b) disadvantages of KLIK, (c) incentives for patients and (d) frequently heard reactions of patients about KLIK) regarding (1) overall satisfaction, (2) feeling competent to discuss PROMs, (3) use of KLIK during the consultation, (4) influence of KLIK on the consultation, (5) usability of the KLIK PROM portal, (6) satisfaction with PROMs and feedback, and (7) support of the KLIK expert team. There was room to add a comment or explanation with each question. Since every multidisciplinary team uses a different subset of PROMs and feedback options, not all questions in the domain ‘satisfaction with PROMs and feedback’ could by answered be all clinicians.