Lorynn Teela

105 Clinicians’ perspective on PROM implementation of standard care. Clinicians indicated they discuss the KLIK ePROfile at the start (42.6%), middle (37.8%) or end (19.6%) of the consultation. Clinicians estimated that they spend on average 15% of the consultation (broad range of consultation time; 10–50 min) on discussing the KLIK ePROfile and 85.8% of the clinicians were satisfied with this percentage. The majority of the clinicians (70.3%) invited all patients to participate in the KLIK PROM portal. Patients were not invited for the following reasons: absence of a chronic health condition, presence of a language barrier, a mental disability, illiteracy or not falling into a specific age range. In addition, clinicians mentioned they sometimes forgot to invite patients or they did not see it as their responsibility. 43.2% of the clinicians estimated that 75-100% of their patients and/or parents completed the PROMs. According to clinicians, reasons for not completing PROMs by patients were no Internet access, language barrier, forgetting and loss of motivation. Table 2. Scores on the domain ‘use of KLIK during the consultation’ (N = 148) (Almost) always (%) Sometimes (%) (Almost) never (%) Clinicians I discuss the KLIK ePROfile with patients/ parents 104 (70.3) 27 (18.2) 17 (11.5) Start (%) Middle (%) End (%) I discuss the KLIK ePROfile at the … of the consultation 63 (42.6) 56 (37.8) 29 (19.6) Median (range) On average, I spend % of the consultation on discussion of the KLIK ePROfile (N=147) 15 (0-100) Yes (%) No, I need more time (%) No, I need less time (%) I am satisfied with the time I spent discussing the KLIK ePROfile 127 (85.8) 20 (13.5) 1 (0.7) About patients Agree (%) Neutral (%) Disagree (%) All patients are invited to participate in the KLIK PROM portal 104 (70.3) 13 (8.8) 31 (20.9) 100 (%) 75 (%) 50 (%) 25 (%) 0 (%) I estimate that …% of patients/parents complete the PROMs 2 (1.4) 62 (41.8) 50 (33.8) 33 (22.3) 1 (0.7) 4