Lorynn Teela

117 Clinicians’ perspective on PROM implementation Supplement 2 - Evaluation questionnaire KLIK Evaluation questionnaire KLIK Overall satisfaction 1. In general, how satisfied are you with the use of KLIK? Not satisfied at all .................................... very satisfied (VAS 0-100) Feeling competent to discuss PROMs Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree Agree Strongly agree nor agree 2. The KLIK training has prepared me sufficiently to start using KLIK q q q q q Explanation: 3. I feel competent to discuss the KLIK ePROfile with patients/parents q q q q q Explanation: Use of KLIK during the consultation 4. I discuss the KLIK ePROfile with patients/parents q Always q Usually q Sometimes q Almost never q Never Explanation: When: usually, sometimes, almost never and never, then: 4a. The reason why I do not always discuss the KLIK ePROfile is: Open answer 5. I discuss the KLIK ePROfile at the … of the consultation q Start q Middle q End Explanation: 6. On average, I spend …. % of the consultation on discussing the KLIK PROfile q I am satisfied with this q I would like to spend more time on discussing the KLIK PROfile, because … q I would like to spend less time on discussing the KLIK PROfile, because … 4