Lorynn Teela

118 Chapter 4 Patient Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree Agree Strongly agree nor agree 7. All patients are invited to participate in the KLIK PROM portal q q q q q Explanation: When: strongly disagree, disagree, neither disagree, nor agree: 7a.That not everyone is asked to participate is based on: Open answer 8. I estimate that … % of the patients/parents complete the PROMs q 100% q 75% q 50% q 25% q 0% Explanation: Influence of KLIK on the consultation Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree Agree Strongly agree nor agree 9. KLIK improves my consultation q q q q q Explanation: 10. With the use of KLIK, I detect problems sooner q q q q q Explanation: 11. Advantages of KLIK are: Open answer 12. Disadvantages of KLIK are: Open answer