Lorynn Teela

120 Chapter 4 19. I am satisfied with the feedback of: a. Overall KLIK ePROfile q q q q q b. Literal answers q q q q q c. Traffic light colors q q q q q d. Graphs (scores over time and comparison with peers) q q q q q Explanation: 20. I look at the following parts of the feedback in the KLIK q Literal answers q Traffic light colors q Graph q Otherwise ePROfile (multiple answers possible) Explanation: 21. I discuss the following parts of the KLIK ePROfile (multiple answers possible) q Green answers q Orange answers q Red answers q Comparison with peers (graph) q Scores over time (graph) q Other….. 22. I think the following parts of the feedback of the KLIK ePROfile are important: a. Literal answers Not important at all ………………………………Very important (VAS 0-100) b. Traffic light colors Not important at all ………………………………Very important (VAS 0-100) c. Graphs Not important at all ………………………………Very important (VAS 0-100) Support KLIK expert team Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree Agree Strongly agree nor agree 23. I know where I can ask my questions regarding the KLIK PROM portal q q q q q Explanation: 24. There is sufficient support from the KLIK team when I need it q q q q q Explanation: 19. I am satisfied with the feedback of: a. Overall KLIK ePROfile q q q q q b. Literal answers q q q q q c. Traffic light colors q q q q q d. Graphs (scores over time and comparison with peers) q q q q Explanation: 20. I look at the following parts of the feedback in the KLIK q Literal answers q Traffic light colors q Graph q Otherwise ePROfile (multiple answers possible) Explanation: 21. I discuss the following parts of the KLIK ePROfile (multiple answers possible) Green answers Orange answers Red answers q Comparison with peers (graph) q Scores over time (graph) q Other….. 22. I think the following parts of the feedback of the KLIK ePROfile are important: a. Literal answers Not important at all ………………………………Very important (VAS 0-100) b. Traffic light colors Not important at all ………………………………Very important (VAS 0-100) c. Graphs Not important at all ………………………………Very important (VAS 0-100) Support KLIK expert team Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree Agree Strongly agree nor agree 23. I know where I can ask my questions regarding the KLIK PROM portal q q q q q Explanation: