Lorynn Teela

135 Patient’s and parents’ perspective on PROM implementation Table 3. (continued) Themes Positive experiences Points of improvement Value and goal ‘I like that with KLIK there is the possibility to report difficulties’ ‘Completing KLIK questionnaires feels not useful when it is going well’ ‘It is not totally clear what is done with your answers and if they can be used against you by the government’ All quotes were translated into English. Completion of PROMs in the KLIK PROM portal As shown in Table 4, 78% of the patients and 84% of the parents agreed that they know why there are asked to complete PROMs via the KLIK PROM portal. Patients and parents reported that the frequency in which they are asked to complete these PROMs varies from once every three years to more than four times a year. Most patients and parents were satisfied with this frequency. When patients and parents are asked to complete PROMs, the majority indicated that they almost always do this. Reasons for not completing the PROMs were: lack of time, forgot to complete, little change in functioning since the last PROM completion, and no motivation. Patients and parents spent on average 13.8 and 15.2 min on completing the PROMs, respectively. More than 80% of both patients and parents were satisfied with this completion time. Discussing PROMs with the clinician About half of the patients and parents indicated that their clinician (almost) always discusses the KLIK ePROfile with them during the consultation (Fig 3). If the clinician does not discuss the completed PROMs, 52% of the patients and 72% of the parents indicated they dare to start the discussion about PROMs themselves. Influence of KLIK on the (preparation of the) consultation KLIK is of added value for the conversation with their clinician, according to 58% of the patients and 59% of the parents (Fig 3). Less than half of the patients and parents indicated that more topics are discussed by using the KLIK PROM portal in comparison with not using the KLIK PROM portal and that the use of KLIK provides more structure to the conversation. Clinicians’ failure to discuss the KLIK ePROfile was a frequently mentioned reason why KLIK has no value during the consultation. More than half of the parents reported that the use of KLIK provides them more insight into the functioning of their child and helps in preparing for the consultation (62% and 54% respectively), in contrast to only 39% and 42% of the patients. Patients indicated that they know very well how they are doing, even without completing a PROM. 5