Lorynn Teela

136 Chapter 5 Table 4. Scores on the domain ‘completion of PROMs in the KLIK PROM portal’ (patients: N = 31, parents: N = 130) Agree–N (%) Neutral–N (%) Disagree - N (%) I know why I am being asked to complete KLIK PROMs Patients 24 (78) 1 (3) 6 (19) Parents 109 (84) 13 (10) 8 (6) 4 times a year–N (%) 2 times a year–N (%) Yearly–N (%) Other–N (%) How often are you asked to complete the PROMs in KLIK? Patients 7 (22) 12 (39) 8 (26) 4 (13) Parents 21 (16) 29 (22) 38 (30) 42 (32) Yes–N (%) No, too often–N (%) No, too infrequent–N (%) Are you satisfied with this frequency? Patients 29 (94) 1 (3) 1 (3) Parents 111 (85) 11 (9) 8 (6) (Almost) always–N (%) Sometimes–N (%) (Almost) never–N (%) When you are asked to complete the PROMs in KLIK, how often do you do this? Patients 28 (90) 3 (10) - Parents 123 (95) 2 (1) 5 (4) M (range) I spend on average .. minutes on completing the KLIK PROMs Patients 13.8 (5-30) Parents 15.2 (0-60) Yes–N (%) No, too long–N (%) No, too short–N (%) Are you satisfied with the completion time? Patients 25 (81) 6 (19) - Parents 109 (84) 20 (15) 1 (1)