Lorynn Teela

137 Patient’s and parents’ perspective on PROM implementation Figure 3. Scores on the domains ‘discussing PROMs with the clinician’, ‘Influence of KLIK on the (preparation of the) consultation’, and ‘content of PROMs’ (patients: N=31, parents: N=130) Table 5 shows the most important advantages and disadvantages of KLIK, as reported in the open questions. The themes are ranked based on the number of times mentioned by patients and parents in the open-ended questions. Main advantages of KLIK for patients and parents were: easy to use, clinician is better prepared, patients and parents are better prepared, and insight into functioning (of my child). Main disadvantages of KLIK for patients and parents were: not easy to use, irrelevant content of PROMs, and takes time. Eleven patients (35%) and 48 parents (37%) did not experience any disadvantages with using the KLIK PROM portal. 5