Lorynn Teela

138 Chapter 5 Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of the KLIK PROM portal, mentioned by patients (N = 31) and parents (N = 130) in the open questions of the evaluation questionnaire Advantages KLIK PROM portal Examples Easy to use ‘Simple and clear’ ‘It is easy that you can complete questionnaires online at home’ Clinician is better prepared ‘The clinician can see my questions before the appointment at the outpatient clinic’ ‘The clinician is already aware of my child’s health situation and can immediately respond to it’ Patient and parents are better prepared ‘It is valuable that you can ask the clinician questions in advance so that you do not forget them’ ‘Subjects are discussed which you normally do not bring up yourself’ Insight into functioning (of my child) ‘KLIK provides insight into how I am doing’ ‘Provides the opportunity to compare the health situation of my child now with the situation just after diagnosis’ Disadvantages KLIK PROM portal Examples Not easy to use ‘I keep forgetting my password’ ‘Annoying that I get multiple reminders’ Irrelevant content of PROMs ‘Not all questions apply to our situation’‘It is boring to complete the same questionnaires every time’ Takes time ‘Completing the questionnaires takes sometimes more time than I hope’‘It is a lot of work to complete the questionnaires’ All quotes were translated into English. Usability of the KLIK PROM portal The KLIK PROM portal is easy to use, according to 81% of the patients (13% neutral and 6% disagree) and 74% of the parents (18% neutral, 8% disagree). In addition, 48% of the patients (39% neutral, 12% disagree) and 55% of the parents (36% neutral, 9% disagree) indicated that KLIK has an attractive layout. Content of PROMs Most patients and parents are satisfied with the PROMs they are asked to complete (Fig 3). Almost all participants indicated that they understand the questions asked in the PROMs. Reasons why patients and parents are not satisfied with the offered PROMs were that the questions in the PROMs do not apply to them or their child, PROMs are too generic, the different questions are very similar, and the PROMs are too long. Some of the patients and parents felt that the offered PROMs do not cover all topics that are important for them. For example they miss topics like growth, parenting support, and side jobs.