Lorynn Teela

146 Chapter 5 Supplement 1 - Evaluation questionnaire KLIK: patient version Supplement 1 - Evaluation questionnaire KLIK: patient version Overall satisfaction 1. In general, how satisfied are you with the use of KLIK? Not satisfied at all 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very satisfied Completion of PROMs in the KLIK PROM portal 2. I know why I am being asked to complete KLIK questionnaires q Strongly disagree q Disagree q Neither disagree q Agree q Strongly agree Explanation: nor agree 3. How often are you asked to complete the questionnaires in q 4 times a year q 2 times a year q Once a year q Other KLIK? Explanation: 3a. Are you satisfied with this frequency? q Yes, I am satisfied q No, it is too often q No, it is too infrequent 4. When you are asked to complete the questionnaires in KLIK, q Always q Usually q Sometimes q Almost never q Never how often do you do this? When: usually, sometimes, almost never and never, then: 4a. What is the reason that you do not always complete the questionnaires in KLIK? Open answer 5. I spend on average … minutes on completing the KLIK questionnaires 5a. Are you satisfied with the completion time? q Yes, I am satisfied q No, it is too long q No, it is too short Explanation: Discussing PROMs with the clinician 6. How often is the KLIK ePROfile (completed questionnaires q Always q Usually q Sometimes q Almost never q Never on the KLIK website) discussed with you during the consultation by the clinician? Explanation: When usually, sometimes, almost never and never, then: 6a. I dare to start the discussion about the questionnaires q Strongly disagree q Disagree q Neither disagree q Agree q Strongly agree myself if the clinician does not discuss them nor agree Explanation: