Lorynn Teela

175 Assessment of the KLIK PROM portal implementation Supplement 1 - Overview of the KLIK studies Authors Year Short title Setting Journal Main outcomes Engelen et al [25] 2010 Development of QLICON (predecessor of KLIK) Pediatric oncology Patient Educ Couns A description of the development and implementation of the QLIC-ON Profile in pediatric oncology. Haverman et al [28] 2011 Development of KLIK Pediatric rheumatology Pediatrics The use of the KLIK ePROfile makes a positive contribution to systematic monitoring and discussing HRQOL issues in the consultation room. Engelen et al [7] 2012 Effectiveness of KLIK Pediatric oncology Pediatr Blood Cancer Using KLIK, emotional and psychosocial problems are more often discussed and identified during the consultation. Engelen et al [45] 2012 Influences of PROs on discussion of psychosocial issues Pediatric oncology Pediatr Blood Cancer The use of PROs increases the amount of psychosocial topics that are discussed during the consultation. Haverman et al [12] 2013 Effectiveness of KLIK Pediatric rheumatology Pediatrics The use of the KLIK ePROfile increased discussion about psychosocial topics and satisfaction of the clinician with the provided care. Haverman et al [13] 2014 Implementation of KLIK Pediatrics Clin Pract Pediatr Psychol The implementation of KLIK is feasible and workable. Schepers et al [46] 2014 PROs in pediatric oncology: suggestions for future use Pediatric oncology Pediatr Blood Cancer Parents and clinicians consider the use of PROs as an important part of standard care. Santana et al [34] 2015 Training clinicians Adult oncology, lung transplant and pediatrics Qual Life Res An important step in the implementation of PROs is training clinicians in how to use and act on PROMs in clinical practice. Schepers et al [29] 2017 Real-world implementation of PROs Pediatric oncology Psychooncology Implementing the KLIK PROM portal in pediatric oncology and a description of the barriers and enablers for this implementation process. Schepers et al [47] 2017 Electronic feedback of the psychosocial assessment tool Pediatric oncology Support Care Cancer Implementation of the electronic version of the psychosocial assessment tool seems feasible. Schepers et al [48] 2018 The use of the electronic psychosocial assessment tool Pediatric oncology Cancer Scores of the electronic psychosocial assessment tool at diagnosis are good predictors of parental stress in the future. Haverman et al [36] 2019 Feedback options of PROMs in KLIK Clinical practice Med Care Customization of the KLIK PROM portal is needed per patient group and per PROM. Teela et al [35] Experiences of clinicians with the use of KLIK Clinical practice Submitted Clinicians are generally satisfied with the usability of the KLIK PROM portal and the feedback of the KLIK ePROfile. Van Muilekom et al [44] Experiences of patients and parents with the use of KLIK In progress Patients and parents are satisfied with the use of the KLIK PROM portal. It helps them during the conversation with the clinician. 6