Lorynn Teela

189 Psychometrics of the pediatric PROMIS measures in hemophilia Table 5. Comparison between the measurement properties of the PROMIS pediatric measures and legacy instruments PROMIS pediatric measures Feasibility Measurement properties N_items Floora Ceilinga Reliabilityb Convergent validityc Pain Interference 9.2 - + + + Fatigue 11.4 +/- + + n/a Anxiety 11.6 +/- + + + Depressive Symptoms 10.3 +/- + + +/- Mobility 11.1 + - - + Peer Relationships 8.8 + + + +/- Anger 9 + + + + Global Health 9 + + + +/- Legacy instruments Haemo-QoL Physical Health 7 - + + Haemo-QoL Feeling 7/8d - + + Haemo-QoL Other People 6 - + + Haemo-QoL total score 64/77d + + + PedHal (total score) 53 + - + Haemo-QoL, Haemophilia Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children; PedHAL, Paediatric Haemophilia Activities List; PROMIS, patient-reported outcomes measurement information system. Table footnotes a floor/ceiling effect: + = <15% , +/- = 15-30%, - = ≥30% b reliability: + = SE ≤ 4.5, - = SE >4.5 c convergent validity: + = predefined correlations are met, +/- = predefined correlations are partially met d Different number of items for the age versions 8 to 12 and 13 to 17 years 4. Discussion This study evaluated the feasibility, measurement properties and outcomes of 8 PROMIS pediatric measures in boys with hemophilia. Almost all PROMIS pediatric measures were considered feasible and reliable for use in clinical hemophilia care. The number of completed items in the selected set of PROMIS measures was lower than that of the legacy instruments, resulting in a lower burden of completing PROMs. However, at domain level, the number of completed items was higher for the PROMIS pediatric measures, except for the measures Mobility and Global Health. Floor and ceiling effects of the PROMIS pediatric measures were substantially less than that of the legacy instruments. This implies that PROMIS measures adequately cover the range of functioning of boys with hemophilia. The reliability of the PROMIS pediatric measures and the legacy instruments was good, with exception of the PROMIS CAT Mobility. 7