Lorynn Teela

208 Chapter 8 Table 1. (continued) No. PREM Name Year and country of origin Type (generic/disease specific) Patient or proxy completion Number of items Number of domains Domain descriptors 9 Disease-specific patient satisfaction questionnaire 2014, Germany [18] Disease specific (IBS) Patient 32 N/A N/A 10 Epilepsy 12 2002, United Kingdom [19] Disease specific (epilepsy) Both 18 N/A N/A 11 EMPATHIC-30 2011, Netherlands [20] Generic (ICU) Proxy 30 5 Information, Care and treatment, Organization and coordination of care, Parents and family engagement, Team care (pediatrician and other clinicians involved in the care of the children), Overall score. 12 Evaluation of the Quality of Diabetes Care’ (PEQ-D) 2002, Netherlands [21] Disease specific (diabetes) Patient 14 N/A N/A 13 Experience of Service Questionnaire (ESQ) 2002, United Kingdom [22] Disease specific (mental health) Both 12 N/A N/A 14 Family-Provider Relationships InstrumentNICU (FAMPRO-NICU) 2001, United States [23] Generic (NICU) Proxy 65 3 Belief-desire, Feelings, Intentions. 15 FCCS (Family Centered Care Survey) 2006, Canada [24] Generic Proxy? 20 N/A N/A 16 GYV (Give Youth a Voice) 2008, Canada [25] Generic Patient 56 4 Supportive and respectful relationships, Information sharing and communication, Support of independence, Teen centered services. Note: adapted from MPOC. 17 Inpatient Survey (IS) 2013, United Kingdom [26] Generic Patient 86 N/A N/A 18 McLean Hospital’s Perception of Care survey 2002, United States [27] Generic (inpatient psychiatric care) Both 20 4 Interpersonal aspects of care, Continuity/coordination of care, Communication/information received from treatment providers, Global evaluation of care.