Lorynn Teela

224 Supplement 1 - (continued) No. Author(s), year, country of study Study objective Study design Study duration Disease group Study setting Patients’ age group (yrs) Number of participants completing PREMs PREM used in the study Person completing the survey Administration method Quality score 5 Nichol J.R.; Fu R.; French K.; Momberger J.; Handel D.A., 2016, USA5 To determine the key variables found in 3 separate PREMs. Retrospective cohort 3 years 6 months General Emergency department <20 810 Press Ganey patient satisfaction surveys Either the patient or proxy Paper and electronic Fair 6 Sigurdardottir, Anna Olafia; Garwick, Ann W.; Svavarsdottir, Erla Kolbrun, 2017, Iceland 6 To assess parental predictors of healthcare satisfaction throughout an Icelandic hospital. Cross- sectional 2 years General Children’s hospital (neonatal, emergency, day, and outpatient units) ≤18 219 PedsQL - Healthcare Satisfaction Generic Module Proxy Paper and electronic Good 7 Timmer, Antje; Peplies, Jenny; Westphal, Max; Kaltz, Birgit; Ballauff, Antje; Clasen, Martin; Laass, Martin W; Koletzko, Sibylle, 2017, Germany and Austria7 To assess patients’ experiences with transitioning between pediatric and adult care settings. Cross- sectional NR Irritable Bowel Diseases Varied 15-25 583 “Disease- specific patient satisfaction questionnaire” Patient Paper Good 8 Sleath, Betsy; Ayala, Guadalupe X; Washington, Deidre; Davis, Stephanie; Williams, Dennis; Tudor, Gail; Yeatts, Karin; Gillette, Chris, 2010, USA8 To examine the correlation between parental ratings of participatory decision making and satisfaction with their pediatric asthma visits. Cross- sectional NR Asthma Pediatric Practices 8-16 320 P-MISS (Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale) Patient Paper Good