Lorynn Teela

229 Supplement 1 - (continued) No. Author(s), year, country of study Study objective Study design Study duration Disease group Study setting Patients’ age group (yrs) Number of participants completing PREMs PREM used in the study Person completing the survey Administration method Quality score 24 Nieman, Carrie L; Benke, James R; Boss, Emily F, 2015, USA24 To record patient satisfaction with clinical care and stratify results according to patient race, ethnicity, or SES. Cross- sectional 1 year General Outpatient surgical care 0-17 527 Press Ganey Medical Practice Survey Proxy Paper and electronic Fair 25 Tothy, Alison S; Limper, Heather M; Driscoll, James; Bittick, Nicholas; Howell, Michael D, 2016, USA25 To assess the effects of implementing a package of improvement activities on patient care satisfaction. Cross- sectional 11 months General Emergency department inpatient care NR 352 Press Ganey Satisfaction Survey Both the patient and proxy Paper Fair 26 Tilly-Gratton A.; Nadon M.A.; Houle A.; Pelaez S.; Ducharme F.M., 2018, Canada26 To investigate patient satisfaction with clinical care and identify modifiable factors that may increase treatment adherence. Mixed methods NR Asthma Outpatient clinic 1-17 24 P-MISS (Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale) Proxy NR Good 27 Sonneveld, H. M.; Strating, M. M. H.; van Staa, A. L.; Nieboer, A. P., 2013, Netherlands27 To examine the perceptions of parents, providers, and patients on transitional care experiences and to determine the extent to which perspective differences were disease specific. Cross- sectional NR Type 1 diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, neuromuscular disorder Outpatient clinic 12-25 319 Mind the Gap Both the patient and proxy Paper and electronic Fair 8