Lorynn Teela

231 Supplement 1 - (continued) No. Author(s), year, country of study Study objective Study design Study duration Disease group Study setting Patients’ age group (yrs) Number of participants completing PREMs PREM used in the study Person completing the survey Administration method Quality score 32 Shaw, K L; Watanabe, A; Rankin, E; McDonagh, J E, 2014, UK32 To evaluate transition care quality through examination of patient adherence to guidelines and whether adherence was associated with improved experience. Cross- sectional 2 weeks Chronic diseases Outpatient tertiary care 11-21 787 Mind the Gap Scale Both the patient and proxy Paper Fair 33 Shevell, Michael; Oskoui, Maryam; Wood, Ellen; Kirton, Adam; Van Rensburg, Esias; Buckley, David; Ng, Pamela; Majnemer, Annette, 2019, Canada33 To describe characteristics of children with cerebral palsy and factors that impact parent perceptions of FCS. Cross- sectional 4 years Neurodevelopmental disabilities (cerebral palsy) Rehabilitation centers (outpatient care) Infants 312 MPOC-56 Proxy Paper Good 34 Singh, Suprit C; Sheth, Raj D; Burrows, James F; Rosen, Paul, 2016, USA34 To identify key factors in facilitating overall satisfaction with ambulatory neurological care. Cross- sectional 3 years Neurologic disease Ambulatory care units NR 2890 Press Ganey Satisfaction Survey Proxy Paper and electronic Good 35 Singleton I.M.; Garfinkel R.; Temkit H.; Belthur M.V., 2020, USA35 To determine which factors impact parental satisfaction with their care provider in an outpatient clinic. Cross- sectional 1 year 8 months Orthopedic diseases Orthopedic outpatient clinic Mean age of 6 122 Clinician and Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CGCAHPS) Proxy Paper Fair 8