Lorynn Teela

234 Supplement 1 - (continued) No. Author(s), year, country of study Study objective Study design Study duration Disease group Study setting Patients’ age group (yrs) Number of participants completing PREMs PREM used in the study Person completing the survey Administration method Quality score 42 Myrhaug, Hilde Tinderholt; Jahnsen, Reidun; Ostensjo, Sigrid, 2016, Norway 42 To assess the perceptions of parents and patients on the family-centeredness of their care. This was then compared to the extent of parental involvement, child well being, and parental satisfaction. Cross- sectional 2 months Cerebral palsy Primary clinical practice <6 121 MPOC-20 Proxy Paper Fair 43 Nagarajan, Neeraja; Rahman, Sydur; Boss, Emily F, 2017, USA43 To characterize the connection between patient race and their satisfaction with their care. Cross- sectional 1 year Inpatients Tertiary inpatient care unit <18 904 Press Ganey Inpatient Pediatric Survey Proxy Paper and electronic Fair 44 Peng, Frederick B; Burrows, James F; Shirley, Eric D; Rosen, Paul, 2018, USA44 To identify the primary factors involved in orthopedic patient satisfaction. Cross- sectional 3 years Orthopedic diseases Orthopedic outpatient care NR 6195 Press Ganey Satisfaction Survey Proxy Paper and electronic Fair 45 Petitgout, Janine M, 2015, USA45 To monitor changes in patient satisfaction following the implementation of a quality improvement initiative. Case study NR General Tertiary inpatient care unit <21 NR Press Ganey Satisfaction Survey Proxy NR Fair