Lorynn Teela

260 Chapter 9 Table 1. (continued) Part 2. Patient Reported Outcome Measures Chapter Short title Aim Participants Methods Main findings & conclusion 4 Clinicians’ perspective on PROM implementation To gain insight into clinicians’ perspective on the implementation of PROMs in pediatric clinical practice using the KLIK PROM portal. Clinicians (i.e., doctors, nurses, and psychologists) using the KLIK PROM portal in 14 hospitals in the Netherlands Clinicians (N=148) completed an online evaluation questionnaire, regarding (1) overall satisfaction, (2) feeling competent to discuss PROMs, (3), use of KLIK during consultation, (4) influence of KLIK on the consultation, (5) usability of the KLIK PROM portal, (6) satisfaction with PROMs and feedback, and (7) support of the KLIK expert team. 1. Clinicians are generally satisfied with the KLIK PROM portal. 2. The majority of clinicians (85.8%) feels competent to discuss the KLIK dashboard. 3. 70.3% of the clinicians (almost) always discusses the KLIK dashboard. 4. KLIK improves the consultation according to 70.3% of the clinicians. 5. KLIK is easy to use according to 71.6% of the clinicians. 6. The majority of clinicians (80.4%) is satisfied with the feedback in the KLIK dashboard. 7. Clinicians (71.6%) experience enough support from the KLIK expert team. The KLIK PROM portal is a valuable tool for clinicians to systematically monitor patients’ functioning. However, some barriers (i.e., irrelevant and long PROMs, low response rate, no integration with EHR) were also identified. 5 Patient’s and parents’ perspective on PROM implementation To gain insight into patient’s and parents’ perspective on the implementation of PROMs in pediatric clinical practice using the KLIK PROM portal. Patients (12-19y) and parents (of children 0-19y) using the KLIK PROM portal in the Emma Children’s Hospital Amsterdam UMC A mixed-method design was used: 1. Focus groups with patients (N=8) and parents (N=17) 2. Online evaluation questionnaire regarding (1) overall satisfaction, (2) completion of PROMs in the KLIK PROM portal, (3) discussing PROMs with the clinicians, (4) influence of KLIK on the (preparation of) the consultation, (5) usability of the KLIK PROM portal, and (6) content of PROMs was completed by patients (N=31) and parents (N=130) Focus groups: Patients and parents are generally satisfied with the use of the KLIK PROM portal. Patients mentioned that KLIK has an attractive lay-out and parents valued that KLIK provides insight into their child’s functioning. Evaluation questionnaire: 1. Patients and parents reported an overall satisfaction of respectively 7.9/10 and 7.3/10. 2. Almost all patients (90%) and parents (95%) (almost) always complete PROMs. 3. The KLIK dashboard is (almost) always discussed by the clinician according to 52% of the patients and 45% of the parents.