Lorynn Teela

266 Chapter 9 for clinicians, create awareness within the board of hospitals to facilitate the funding and practical support of PROM implementation, and try to engage all stakeholders in the implementation process. For example, we should involve patients and patient associations more in selecting PRO’s and PROM’s. Optimization KLIK PROM portal The received feedback of all stakeholders (clinicians, patients and parents) was used to optimize the KLIK PROM portal. After the evaluation studies (Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6), the following changes were made to KLIK PROM portal: • Front-end integration between the KLIK PROM portal and the EHR In 2019, a front-end integration between the EHRs EPIC© and HiX© was realized in the Amsterdam UMC, University Medical Center Utrecht, and Princess Maxima Center. With this integration, clinicians can view the KLIK dashboard in the EHR, which facilitates the ease of use of the KLIK PROM portal in the consultation room. However, to be able to automatically link hospital appointments to KLIK, data integration is necessary. This automation process would be valuable for the implementation of PROMs, because it reduces the administrative tasks for health care teams, which can boost the sustainable use of PROMs in clinical care. We hope to realize a full data integration with EHRs in the future. • Mobile version of the KLIK PROM portal Patients and parents expressed that an app would be a valuable addition to the KLIK PROM portal. Therefore, a mobile version of the KLIK PROM portal was developed. This makes it easier for patients and parents to complete PROMs on their smartphone or tablet. • Modernize the lay-out of the KLIK portal Children indicated that the lay-out of the KLIK portal was a bit old-fashioned. Therefore, we upgraded the lay-out of the KLIK portal by using visuals and creating a more professional look. In addition, we added specific information pages for all users (pediatric patients, adult patients, parents, and clinicians). • Adding educational video’s During the evaluation studies, it was recognized that a large part of the patients and parents were reluctant to initiate the communication about PROMs. To empower patients and parents, educational videos and a topic list were developed and made available on the KLIK website (29).These tools give patients and parents information on how to start the conversation with the clinician about topics that are important to them.