Lorynn Teela

267 Discussion Table 3. A summary of facilitators and barriers in KLIK PROM implementation identified in this thesis using the CFIR framework Domain Facilitators Barriers Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Intervention characteristics - Easy to use - Easy to use - Acceptable, valuable and feasible - Not easy to use - Improves communication - Improves communication - Gives insight into patient’s functioning / earlier detection of problems - Gives insight into functioning (of child) - More efficient consultation (timesaving) - More efficient consultation (timesaving) - Helps in preparing for consultation - Helps in preparing for consultation - KLIK dashboard - KLIK dashboard - Attractive lay-out - Attractive lay-out - Attractive lay-out - Out-dated lay-out - KLIK training (knowledge, tools, skills) - KLIK training (knowledge, tools, skills) - No integration EHR - Security KLIK PROM portal - No app - Flexibility (settings, languages) - No possibility of selecting PROMs per individual 9