Lorynn Teela

27 Scoping review pediatric patient engagement Stage 2: Identifying relevant studies A comprehensive search strategy was developed and carried out in collaboration with a medical research librarian (JGD). To obtain a clear description of the construct, both published and unpublished literature about engagement of children and adolescents was collected and reviewed by at least two research-psychologists (FW, MV, LH). Subsequently, a visualization of similarities (VOS) analysis [17] was carried out with the software tool VOSviewer® to remove irrelevant terms from the search strategy by NOTing [18]. Medline, Embase and PsycINFO were searched for eligible articles from inception (May 2017). The construct of the search strategy can be summarized as follows: ([hospitalized patient] AND [patient participation]) NOT [irrelevant terms identified by VOS analysis]. See Additional file 1 for full search details. In February 2021, an update of the literature search was done. The same search strategy was applied. The bibliographic databases were searched for eligible articles in the period January 2017 until February 2021. For practical reasons, duplicate articles from the period January 2017 – May 2017 were removed in the last step of the study selection. Stage 3: Study selection Title and abstract of the articles retrieved were assessed by at least two members of the research team (LT, LEV, EEWK, FW, MV, LH) using the software tool Rayyan [19]. To reduce individual bias during the screening process and to refine inclusion and exclusion criteria, consultation took place between the members of the research team after screening the first 300 articles. The full text of potentially relevant articles was obtained and assessed by at least two members of the team (LT, LEV, EEWK). If necessary, a third member (LH) made the decision regarding inclusion of an article. An article was included if the study described all following inclusion criteria: · Focused on engagement of children and adolescents (4-18 years). Studies that included pediatric patients in a broader age range or studies that included both pediatric patients and young adults were also included. · Participants were asked for their opinion regarding clinical care, research, policy and/or intervention development. · Carried out in the context of clinical care/pediatrics. · Published as a full text original article (i.e. not an abstract, review, commentary, dissertation or study protocol). · Published in English or Dutch. 2