Lorynn Teela

30 Chapter 2 Pediatric patient engagement through the years The included articles are published between 1983 and February 2021, as shown in Fig 2. Over the years there has been an increase in the number of studies that include pediatric patient engagement. * Range is less than 5 years Figure 2. Overview of the included articles (number) per 5 years Pediatric patient engagement per country Figure 3 shows the number of studies in which pediatric patient engagement is included per country. Most studies involving pediatric patient engagement are performed in the United States of America, followed by the United Kingdom, and Canada. Pediatric patient engagement per disease group The largest group of studied patients encompasses pediatric patients from different disease groups (26%) in their clinical care, research or development of intervention, and 10% of the studies concerned children being admitted to the hospital for various reasons. When looking at individual disease groups, pediatric oncology patients (22%) are most often engaged about their opinion, followed by pediatric patients undergoing surgery (7%), diabetes patients (5%), asthma patients (4%), transplant patients (4%), patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (2%), and pediatric patients in palliative care (2%).