Lorynn Teela

302 Addendum LH conceived the study. LT, MMvM, HAvO, and LH conceptualized and designed the study, performed the focus groups, and developed the evaluation questionnaire. LT and MMvM performed the qualitative and statistical analyses and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. JBvG, MAG, LH and HAvO handled the supervision. All authors critically revised the manuscript for intellectual content and approved the final version of the manuscript. Chapter 6: Implementation of the KLIK PROM portal using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) retrospectively Authors: Lorynn Teela*, Hedy A. van Oers*, Sasja A. Schepers, Martha A. Grootenhuis, Lotte Haverman LH conceived the study. LT, HAvO, SAS, LH conceptualized and designed the study. LT, HAvO, SAS performed the analyses and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. MAG and LH handled the supervision. All authors critically revised the manuscript for intellectual content and approved the final version of the manuscript. Chapter 7: Psychometrics of the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system measures in hemophilia; the applicability of the pediatric item banks Authors: Lorynn Teela, Michiel A.J. Luijten, Isolde A.R. Kuijlaars, Tessa C.M. van Gastel, E. Shannon van Hoorn, Samantha C. Gouw, Karin C.J. Fijnvandraat, Kathelijn Fischer, Marjon H. Cnossen, Sasja Andeweg, Carolien van der Velden – van ‘t Hoff, Corinne Liem, Margreet E. Jansen-Zijlstra, Marjolein Peters, Lotte Haverman MP and LH conceived the study. LT, IARK, ESvH, SCG, KCJF, KF, and MHC contributed to study design. Data collection was led by LT and supported by MHC, SA, CvdVvtH, CL, MEJZ. LT performed the statistical analyses and MAJL, TCMvG, MP, LH contributed to the interpretation of the data and modification of statistical analyses. The first draft of the paper was written by LT. MP and LH were responsible for the supervision. All authors critically revised the manuscript for intellectual content and approved the final version of the manuscript. Chapter 8: Use of Patient-Reported Experience Measures in pediatric care: a systematic review Authors: Sumedh Bele, Lorynn Teela, Muning Zhang, Sarah Rabi, Sadia Ahmed, Hedy A. van Oers, Elizabeth Gibbons, Nicole Dunnewold, Lotte Haverman, Maria J. Santana MS, LH, SB, SA, EG, LT, and HvO contributed to the overall rationale and design of the review. ND provided expert input on developing search strategy. SB, MZ, SR, SA, and LT assessed studies for eligibility against inclusion and exclusion criteria including gray literature and assessed risk of bias and also extracted the data and synthesized results. SB, MZ, SR, and SA led the drafting of the manuscript. MS, LH, SB, SA, EG, LT, HvO, MZ, and SR contributed to the subsequent drafts of the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.