Lorynn Teela

304 Addendum PhD Portfolio Name: Lorynn Teela PhD period: November 2018 – July 2023 Promotor: Prof. dr. J.B. van Goudoever Co-promotores: dr. L. Haverman & dr. H.A. van Oers I. PhD training Year Workload (ECTS) Courses Didactical Skills Peer to Peer Group Coaching eBROK Scientific Writing Clinical Epidemiology: Systematic Reviews Practical Biostatistics Re-registration eBROK 2019 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2023 0.4 0.5 1.5 1.5 0.7 1.4 0.2 Seminars Two-weekly research meetings – department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychosocial Care Selected for the TULIPS PhD curriculum One-monthly research seminar VKC Psyche One-monthly PROMIS researchers network meeting, online 2018-2023 2020-2022 2021-2023 2021-2023 4 4 1 1 Oral presentations Patient participation in pediatric care: A systematic review. Amsterdam Pediatrics Symposium All Voices Count: Development of a game to facilitate pediatric patient participation. Amsterdam Pediatrics Symposium Alle Stemmen Tellen: Hét spel om patiëntenparticipatie te bevorderen. Symposium ‘Zorg voor tieners: een vak apart’, Prinses Máxima centrum voor Oncologie, Utrecht Evaluating the KLIK PROM portal in clinical practice: patients’ and parents’ point of view. Amsterdam Pediatrics Symposium How the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents in the Netherlands. ISOQOL 27th Annual Conference, online Het KLIK PROM portaal. Refereeravond Medische Psychologie A retrospective assessment of the KLIK PROM portal implementation using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. European Implementation Event, online Transition in haemophilia care: from paediatric to adult care. The European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), 15th Annual Conference, online Including the voice of pediatric patients: Cocreation of an engagement game. 2023 Person-Centred Care Forum, Calgary Canada, Hybrid 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2023 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5