Lorynn Teela

308 Addendum Curriculum Vitae Lorynn Teela was born on 30 November 1989 in Hengelo (O), the Netherlands. After graduating from Twickel College Hengelo, she moved to Groningen and started with the bachelor Educational Sciences. After one year, she combined this study with the bachelor Psychology. After finishing her master in Educational Sciences cum laude, Lorynn was admitted to the 2-years master program in Medical Psychology and moved to Brabant. In the first year of this master, she took several courses at the intersection of psychology and medicine. In the second year, she did an internship at the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven and wrote her master thesis. She graduated with distinction in 2015. After her study, Lorynn worked as a psychologist at Opdidakt. In November 2017, she started as a junior researcher / implementation assistant on the KLIK project at the department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Psychosocial Care of the Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam UMC. After one year, she started working on her PhD focusing on pediatric patient engagement, implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in daily clinical practice and the use of Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) under the supervision of prof dr. Hans van Goudoever, dr. Lotte Haverman, and dr. Hedy van Oers. In the past years, Lorynn combined her PhD project with the coordination of the national implementation of the KLIK PROM portal in clinical practice. In addition, she is involved in various research projects in the field of hemophilia.