Lorynn Teela

34 Chapter 2 Sentence completion In this elicitation technique, patients are presented with half of a sentence and are asked to complete this. For example, the sentence started with ‘In my view, the best things about the hospital have been …’. An advantage of the sentence completion technique is that it offers pediatric patients the opportunity to express their opinion in their own words, without being influenced by others [36,51]. Sentence completion was used in studies that try to identify the experiences and wishes of pediatric patients with health care, with the ultimate goal to improve the quality of care [51,52]. Diary Both unstructured and structured diaries can be used in study designs. With unstructured diaries, pediatric patients can write anything about a certain theme in their diary. While with the use of structured diaries, patients are asked to answer a number of questions on a daily basis. The included studies mainly used unstructured diaries in their research design [53]. Aims for which diaries are used are for example ‘Exploring the extent to which adolescents are involved in care planning’ and ‘Identify factors that affect pediatric patients while receiving pediatric palliative care’ [53,54]. Other Other techniques that are used in the included studies to engage pediatric patients are, for example, participation in design meetings [55], advisory member of the research team, or other elicitation techniques like games, quizzes [56], and informal conversations [57]. Figure 4. Overview of the methods used for pediatric patient engagement in the included articles